Communication is important in science, both
in terms of reading and writing and in the use of information
technology. Students in high school Physics courses locate,
select, analyse and integrate information on different topics,
working independently and as part of a team. (Science Ontario
Curriculum, Grade 11 and 12).
In the following ISU assignments, students
use Internet to access HOT topics in modern Physics: SNO,
Kamiokande: Neutrinos; Fermi Lab: Tevatron, Top Quark; SLAC:
Stanford, LINAC; CERN: Large Hadron Collider, LEP; HERA;
PET; MRI; Chara Array; Chandra Observatory; or browse library
magazines of Popular Science, Discovery, Scientific American
for COOL articles like: Stratospheric jump, in just a suit
with the parachute, from 45 km-height, reaching Mach 1.3
and hoping to survive! (Popular Science, Dec 2002). The
findings are presented to the class in the poster session,
as a written summary, or in the oral presentation - it is
always lots of fun!