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John Twelves, a Senior Constable and Technical Traffic Collision Investigator in the South Bruce Detachment, has been an Ontario Provincial Police Officer for 23 years. He has taken extensive courses in this field, and served as an expert witness in numerous court cases. He is an enthusiastic supporter of the Canada Wide Science Fair, where a number of his students have received awards. He has presented the physics of traffic collisions in schools, because it forms a fine ISP project, as well as demonstrating some real life examples.. He will be at the CWSF in Calgary, promoting his Region's bid to hold the CWSF. A graduate of McMaster University with a degree in Physics and biology, he is a World Class Giant Pumpkin Grower with a personal best of 633 pounds.

The Physics of Law Enforcement

New Curriculum Teaching Ideas for Secondary School Physics Teachers

The Ontario Provincial Police is a leader in the field of Technical Traffic Collision Investigation and Reconstruction. The physics used by the police demonstrates the practical application of physics that is now being taught in Ontario's schools. I have found that students, including my own children, complain that there isn't any practical application for the math and physics that they are learning in school. By the end of my little chat,
I hope to leave you with several ideas for teaching physics using practical demonstrations that will capture your student's attention and peak their interest in physics.


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