Ontario Association of Physics Teachers
Annual Conference
27 - 29 May 2004

Ontario Section of the AAPT

Physics Contests, Exams, Enrichment!

POPTOR - Physics Olympiad Preparation Program at Toronto

Starts in September. This is a full-year program which invites senior high school students to work on problem sets (6) administered and graded by the Department of Physics University of Toronto. The program provides the opportunity to broaden the exposure to Physics and prepares students for the National Olympiad selection process as well as for the CAP exam.
Canadian Chemistry and Physics Olympiads


CAP High School Exam

Early April. Prepared by the Canadian Association of Physicists. The exam is based upon an internationally recognized syllabus: the I.B.Physics Higher Core Curriculum. The level of the exam is intentionally high. Only the top students from each school are expected to take part. It is a contest, not a judgement of a student's classroom performance. There is a multiple-choice section with 25 questions, and three long answer problems, covering area of Mechanics, Electricity, Magnetism and Optics. A number of Universities in Canada award entrance scholarships to the top CAP Exam students.
Canadian Association of Physicists

Da Vinci Contest

Late April. Run by the U of T Engineering Department, this engineering exam is a cross-disciplinary open-ended one combining elements from Engineering, Physics, Chemistry and Math. Success on the da Vinci may lead to the Physics Olympiad. Prizes and U of T scholarships are also on the line.
Da Vinci Competition

OAPT Intermediate Physics Contest
Early May. Run by the Ontario Association of Physics Teachers, a section of the American Association of Physics Teachers. This multiple choice contest is for Grade 11 physics students, the content and level is broad based and all academic students find this exam enjoyable. There are prizes for GOOD scores but it is 'COOL' just to participate. Go for it!

OAPT High School Physics Exam
SIN Test

Early May. Run by the University of Waterloo, the Sir Isaac Newton test is a straight Mechanics, all multiple choice exam. Top students win scholarships to the University of Waterloo.

SIN Test