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O N F E R E N C E 22 May - 24 May 2008 |
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Dan MacIsaac, Ph.D. SUNY- Buffalo State College Dept of Physics, <macisadl@buffalostate.edu> | Kathleen Falconer, M.S. SUNY- Buffalo State College Dept of Elementary Education and Reading, <falconka@buffalostate.edu> | ||
A Discourse-Rich Physics Teaching Sample Video to Inform Your Own Physics Teaching
Practice | |||
have been examining and producing (ref:1-3) video vignettes of physics teaching
practices for some time with the intent of fostering better practices (ref:4-6)
for student physics learning. In this session we will view and analyze an unusually
discourse-rich modeling physics vignette taken from an unusually successful community
college physics classroom together. A brief description of the Reformed Teacher
Observation Protocol (RTOP) will also be presented. 1. M. Piburn, D. Sawada, K. Falconer, J. Turley, R. Benford, and I. Bloom. "Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol (RTOP)." ACEPT IN-003. (ACEPT, 2000). The RTOP rubric form, training manual, statistical reference manuals, and sample scored video vignettes are all available from <http://PhysicsEd.BuffaloState.EduAZTEC/rtop/> under RESOURCES. 2. Falconer, K.A., Joshua, M., & Desbien D. (2003) (Authors & Producers; SUNY-BSC Production; MacIsaac analysis). RTOP Video 4: Modeling via Intensive Student Discourse. [QuickTime Web Streamed Video 10:15]. Buffalo, NY: Authors. Retrieved November 30, 2004, from <http://PhysicsEd.BuffaloState.Edu/rtop/videos/rtop4play.html>. 3. Falconer, K.A. & MacIsaac, D.L. (2004) (Authors & Producers; SUNY-BSC Production). Reformed Teaching Methods: Think Pair Share. [QuickTime Web Streamed Video 12:02]. Buffalo, NY: Authors. Retrieved November 30, 2004, from <http://PhysicsEd.BuffaloState.Edu/rtop/videos/TPSplay.html>. 4. D.L. MacIsaac and K. A. Falconer. "Reforming physics instruction via RTOP," Phys. Teach. 40 (8), 479-485 (Nov 2002). 5. A.E. Lawson et al., "Reforming and evaluating college science and mathematics instruction: Reformed teaching improves student achievement," J. Coll. Sci. Teach. 31, 388-393 (March/April 2002). 6. Thornton, R.K. (2002). Uncommon knowledge: Student behavior correlated to conceptual learning. Unpublished manuscript available from the author. |