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C O N F E R E N C E 2013 Thurs May 2 to Sat May 4, 2013 |
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Approaches and Ideas for Teaching Climate Change |
Besides evolution, climate change is the most controversial science topic taught in high school today. It is also the most recent addition to our science curriculum. Explore resources and activities complied by OAPT members to assist you in teaching this grade 10 unit. |
Shawn Brooks has taught physics for many years and has also worked for a software company. He has presented at STAO (Science Teacher's Association of Ontario) conferences, and has conducted workshops for physics teachers on behalf of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical physics. He is the former treasurer of the Ontario Association of Physics Teachers and currently sits on their steering committee. In conjunction with the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education he has participated in and co-designed research projects pertaining to technology enhanced science education. |
Lisa Lim-Cole has been teaching physics since September 2000 and is currently the Science Department Head at Uxbridge Secondary School. She completed her studies in Physics at McGill University and completed her Education degree at Queen’s University. Lisa is part of The Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics Teacher Network and has provided workshops across Eastern Ontario. Lisa is a strong believer of subject based PD and continues to support teachers through various workshops. |
Kimberly Strong has been a Physics Professor at the University of Toronto since 1996. Her expertise is in atmospheric remote sounding using ground-based, balloon-borne, and satellite instruments for studies of stratospheric ozone chemistry, climate, and air quality. She is the founder of the University of Toronto Atmospheric Observatory; a Theme Leader for the Canadian Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Change, which runs the PEARL facility in the high Arctic; Co-I on the ACE and Odin satellite missions; and Director of the NSERC CREATE Training Program in Arctic Atmospheric Science. Ashley Kilgour is the Outreach and Education Facilitator for CANDAC. She is a certified teacher with experience planning and coordinating collaborative science projects and hands-on workshops with students and teachers in Nunavut and Ontario. |