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C O N F E R E N C E 2013 Thurs May 2 to Sat May 4, 2013 |
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Dave Fish |
Perimeter Institute: Common Sense Special Relativity |
What Einstein said, and what high school textbooks say he said, are different. Learn what Einstein really said, so your students can see real science in action: How Einstein started with common sense principles and used simple logic to arrive at profound new insights into the nature of space and time. The Revolutions in Science classroom resource was designed by educators in collaboration with Perimeter Institute researchers to engage high school students in the process of building scientific models. In this workshop, we will explore how Newton's model of universal time gave way to Einstein's model of relative time, and how relative time implies the equivalence of mass and energy: E=mc2. Each participant will receive complimentary copies of Revolutions in Science classroom resource kits. |
Dave has been a high school Physics teacher for 20+ years. His involvement with Perimeter Institute dates right back to the beginning with the initial development of ISSYP, EinsteinPlus and several other outreach activities. He has played a leading role in the production of both Perimeter Exploration and Perimeter Inspiration resources. He has given workshops on modern physics at local, provincial, national and international levels. Dave is currently working for Perimeter Institute while on leave from teaching Physics at Sir John A Macdonald. |