31 May - 2 June 2007
Ontario Science Centre


Stuart Bisland

Paving the way for Biophotonics in Canada.

Biophotonics is an emerging field pertaining to the application(s) of photonics into life sciences that promises to have considerable economic and social impact here in Canada and around the world. As leaders in photonics, Canada and North America are well equipped to lead the world in biophotonics and new initiatives are now being created to bring biophotonics to the forefront.

Biophotonics incorporates an increasingly diverse end user representing a number of sectors including, industry, healthcare, research, education, government and public. The resulting explosion in information, has had two immediate consequences 1) Information overload and 2) Gaps in our learning and skilled workforce.

In this presentation I will discuss two related initiatives aimed at addressing each of these issues that were borne out of collaboration between Scientists here in Canada, the Canadian Institute of Photonic Innovations, CIPI, and the NSF Center for Biophotonics, Science and Technology at the University of California, Davis, USA. Ultimately, it will be the end users that define how each of these initiatives should be presented and used.

We hope that by installing these initiatives early on, we can harness the learning and technological advancements being made in biophotonics towards creating sustainable economic wealth and socioeconomic benefit both here and around the world.


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